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by Product area Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for  5.10 5.10
MNOI54NKC7Fixed product name on welcome page.
Hide details for  5.0.9 5.0.9
DLII4N79AVWhen the user enables AutoPreview from the View - AutoPreview menu, all messages are now previewed. Prior to this fix, only the "unread" messages...
CWAG4UJ9JSThis fix will ensure that the owner of the database is correct when downloading an iNotes subscription. This will resolve problems caused when...
CWAG4WEBKHThe end time displayed in the "When" field in Microsoft Outlook is incorrect when the chair opens an acceptance notice from an invitee. This problem...
JCAO4VRRAUThe time for Microsoft Outlook to poll for incoming mail was changed from 2 minutes to 2 seconds.
CWAG4WE898 This fix ensures that when the chair adds attendees to an existing appointment, these will be kept in the list of attendees. The problem was that...
MHUZ4YWMHCProvided user interface for enabling new database Encryption and Directory Assistance features to iNotes for Microsoft Outlook...
XJIA4R54RYWhen the chair of a meeting changes the duration of the meeting, the change is not reflected on the invitees calendar. For example, if a chair...
DLII4URCNLThe Outlook address book will now show an accurate list of all name and address books. The Local and Server Address books will show under "Lotus...
NYUU4NH9H3Fixed a crash which occurred when an Outlook user attempted to change the design of a form. This feature is not supported by iNotes Access for...
JLIO4UC4MPThis fix provides an accurate display of Off-Line configuration options on iNotes for Microsoft Outlook download page.
DLII4NEAFRProvided a fix for the filter in the "Unread Messages" view. Prior to this fix, when the user selected the menu View -- Current View -- Unread...
Hide details for IBM Lotus Instant MessagingIBM Lotus Instant Messaging
Hide details for  9.0.1 FP1 9.0.1 FP1
LQIU99YGDJFixes isue in Sametime chat window where the font size changes while typing on the same line in the chat.
Hide details for  9.0.1 9.0.1
YYWG9B8HUDPrior to this fix, if Business card fails to get the person photo from remote Server because of network or service issues, people will fail to open a...
SHAH96LB8TFixes issue where ST media functionality is not working correctly after installing GoDaddy certificate
Hide details for  9.0 9.0
RDES87HSKXFixes a problem where the main title bar on a Sametime chat does not display the correct person currently involved in the chat.
ADC8Y693XFixes an intermittent Notes crash while sending a Sametime chat message as E-mail.
ADC8PJPR3Fixes an intermittent Notes crash when the client refreshes the Sametime buddy list.
CSMH8YBRDMWhen forwarding a transcript as email, the previous chat transcript are appended to the email content. Prior to this fix,"Send As Email" would use a...
MLUO8NT6X4Fixes an intermittent refresh problem on Sametime sidebar where if there are multiple communites, and a user scrolsl up or down or logs in/out to...
PPRT8XDGVPFixed a Sametime hang issue on startup if user has the following two lines set in plugin_customization.ini...
JVSE7W5H93Fixeds an intermittent Notes client hang issue while sending a Sametime chat message.
ADEE8WAJLVFixes an intermittent Notes crash when viewing mail with preview panel opened.
SWAR8RWMRUFixes an intermittent problem where after the user clicks the business card and then hits the ESC key to close the chat window, the chat window...


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